Product Overview

Credit Score Coach is a virtual credit assistant solution powered by VantageScore that provides statistically proven pathways for consumers to improve their credit over time. Providers can enable consumers to reach financial goals, from qualifying for more favorable rates to receiving a new line of credit. Credit Score Coach helps providers build up the consumer credit population and receive insights into various consumer types, including thin files or low scores.

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Credit Score Coach integrates with a providers website to exchange information automatically through a custom-branded user interface (UI).

Customer Enrollment

A consumer logs onto the provider's website and can select the tool from an offer menu to be directed to the UI within the provider's website. After integrating Credit Score Coach into their own environment, Provider's have the flexibility to enroll and manage consumers within the custom-branded UI.

User Experience

The consumer inputs their credit profile and sets desired targets including; point increase, and time frame. Once submitted, the virtual assistant tool provides solutions guidance on achieving score goals for the consumer to reach their targets through four pathways - payment activity, credit utilization, debt & balances, and credit activity.


The pathways that Credit Score Coach provides advise consumers with an easy-to-use credit tool, while Provider's receive a powerful tool for customer engagement.

Solving Your Customer Pain Points

of consumers want their financial institution to help them improve their financial health.
of consumers who are actively trying to improve their credit.
of consumers who lack confidence in their financial literacy.

Engage with customers on their terms

Existing credit simulation tools are geared primarily toward credit-savvy consumers, leaving a gap for consumers. Credit Score Coach is bridging this gap with simplified inputs and clear direction on improving their credit over time. By offering this financial wellness tool, you can authentically engage with customers to build deeper relationships and grow consumer loyalty.

Key Benefits

Easy to use

Easy to use for all consumers regardless of credit savviness.

Four Improvement Pathways

Employs four key credit improvement categories to maximize impact.

Statistically proven

Pathways based on the measured outcomes of 2 million consumers.

Powered by VantageScore

Most credit score simulators operate independently while Equifax partners with VantageScore. 

API integration

Allows seamless integration with providers websites, alleviating the need to learn and maintain additional resources.

Language options

Eliminates potential barriers with consumers by providing users with language options to deliver results in English or Spanish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Credit Score Coach is a Virtual Credit Assistant that can help consumers better understand ways to gain financial wellness and improved credit scores.

Credit Score Coach allows consumers to input their goal for a score increase and timeframe, as well as their current score range and general credit profile. It then calculates pathways and offers actionable suggestions for improvement based on payment activity, debt and balances, credit utilization and credit activity.

61% of consumers are actively trying to improve their credit score. Basic credit score simulators or score management tools don’t meet the needs of many consumers who want actionable insights on how to enhance their financial wellness through credit score improvement.

By offering this tool you can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction and position your organization as a trusted partner with them on their financial journey.

Employers can enhance their employees’ financial wellness with a virtual credit assistant that provides proven pathways to improve credit over time.

A Bank of America Workplace Benefits Report found that 97% of employers feel that they have a responsibility to their employees for financial wellness, and 80% of employees look to their employer to play a role in supporting their financial wellness.

Credit Score Coach can help your employees better understand and improve their credit score and overall financial wellness. Invest in your employees’ long-term wellness and retention with this specialized benefit.

For financial institutions who want to boost customer engagement and loyalty, offering Credit Score Coach on your website can equip customers with actionable insights and keep you more top of mind.

Support customers with information about their financial wellness

  • Enable consumers to reach financial goals - from qualifying for a new line of credit to more favorable rates

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