Equifax Further Supports Financially Inclusive Lending By Signing MBA Home for All Pledge
EQUIFAX RECENTLY SIGNED THE MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION (MBA) HOME FOR ALL PLEDGE, promoting inclusion in housing. The Home for All Pledge doubles down on Equifax’s continued commitment to financially inclusive lending and helping to provide the opportunity for people to live their financial best.
“Equifax is committed to removing barriers to financial inclusion, supporting several industry initiatives designed to provide underserved populations with the same opportunities to succeed and benefit from the nation's financial system as others,” said Craig Crabtree, senior vice president, and general manager, of Equifax Mortgage & Housing.
The Home for All Pledge offers result-driven action plans that aim to expand homeownership opportunities for minority households, improve affordability and stability in the rental market, and ensure that the industry workforce better reflects the diversity of the community and borrowers it serves.
“We want everyone to have the opportunity to live their financial best, that is a goal that we’re always striving to work towards,” said Crabtree. “Signing the MBA Home for All Pledge is a way for us to work towards a more inclusive and equitable industry that expands homeownership to underserved communities.”
As part of the Home for All Pledge, Equifax has aligned itself with MBA’s efforts to:
Promote and support public policies and industry practices that advance minority homeownership and affordable rental housing
Support market-based solutions through MBA's place-based CONVERGENCE programs
Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our workplaces and our industry
And, support inclusion in single-family and/or multifamily housing.
Allowing greater access to financial opportunities and giving new visibility to underserved individuals is an objective that Equifax is continuously working to provide. Equifax is the first Nationwide Credit Reporting Agency (NCRA) to make certain telecommunications (telco), pay TV and utilities attributes available to the mortgage industry alongside its traditional mortgage credit report. The use of these differentiated data sets provides a fuller picture of consumers’ financial profiles, potentially enabling over 191 million American consumers, 80 percent of whom have traditional credit files but may benefit from additional insights into their financial profile, to have greater opportunities for homeownership and creating generational wealth.
To learn more about how Equifax is supporting financially inclusive lending in the mortgage industry, visit Equifax.com/mortgage.