Grow your business and maximize revenue without needlessly slowing down business processes. You want to make life easy for your legitimate customers, while managing your fraud costs. However, recognizing fraudsters at the point of interaction is not an easy task.
There are three questions that we help businesses answer:
- Is the consumer real?
- Is the account/card real?
- Is the consumer an authorized user of that card/account?
Account Verification helps businesses mitigate risk by verifying both the consumer's identity and that the active credit card or consumer or commercial bank account is associated with that consumer. Key benefits include:
- Reduce risk of chargebacks for CNP activity by validating linkage of the consumer’s identity with the credit card or bank account information as an authorized user when consumer is not present
- Real-time verification can help expedite and streamline the payment process before payments are accepted
- Provides the customer flexibility in choosing to use a credit card or bank account for payment options
Learn more about how Account Verification can benefit your business.