Your personal finances are uniquely yours and depend on your income, expenses, short and long-term financial goals, as well as budgeting for your lifestyle. Learn more about budgeting, banking, insurance, investments, mortgages, loans, tax preparation, and retirement/estate planning.

How Car Leases Affect Your Credit
Leasing is a popular alternative to taking out a car loan. But does a car lease affect your credit? Learn more about how car leases affect your finances.

How Federal Reserve Interest Rate Cuts Can Impact You
Learn how Fed interest rate cuts impact your borrowing, savings and the economy, plus strategies to make the most of rate changes.

What to Know About Inherited IRAs, Distribution Rules and Tax Implications
IRAs can be helpful estate planning tools, but the rules regarding beneficiaries, distributions and taxes are complex. Learn more about inherited IRAs in this article.

Your Mid-Year Financial Checklist
How often do you check on your finances? A mid-year financial review can help you stay on track for annual financial goals

How to Get Your Overdraft Fees Refunded
Overdrafts happen when there isn't enough money in an account to cover a transaction or withdrawal. Usually there is a fee per overdraft, ranging from $10 to $40, no matter how much you went over your balance. Learn how to avoid overdraft fees and possibly refunded.

HMO vs. PPO Insurance Plans: What They Are, Key Differences and More
Looking to understand the difference between HMO and PPO insurance plans? This straightforward guide can help.

Settlement Claims Administrator Sending Final Payments
A court-appointed third-party settlement administrator has begun distributing final payments to U.S. consumers who filed claims in the Equifax Data Breach Settlement. Equifax® does not oversee administration of the payments. The consumer payments have been determined by the settlement administrator in accordance with the terms of the settlement agreement.

What is Mortgage Insurance and How Does it Work?
If you’re in the process of buying a home, be sure to understand these key facts about what mortgage insurance is and how it works.

What Is Peer-to-Peer Lending?
Learn all about peer-to-peer lending, including how it differs from traditional lending and how it works for both lenders and borrowers.

What is Dividend Investing and What are Qualified Dividends?
Wondering if dividend stocks are the right addition to your portfolio? Learn all about how dividend investing works.

What Are Secured Loans and How Do They Work?
Secured loans can help you achieve some of life’s biggest financial goals. Here are a few key things to know about this common type of financing.