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What is a credit report dispute?
A credit report dispute is when you ask Equifax to investigate information on your credit report that seems inaccurate or incorrect to you. You should regularly review things on your credit report, such as personal information, credit accounts, collections, bankruptcies, and credit inquiries. You should file a credit dispute if you see information that seems like it needs to be more accurate or correct. [Duration: 1:00]
How to File a Credit Dispute and Dispute Something on Your Credit Report
Want to know how to dispute something on your credit report? Equifax can help. If you need to file an Equifax credit dispute on your credit report and review your report to check for errors, look no further. See something wrong? File a dispute by going to the dispute center in myEquifax and clicking on 'File A Dispute.’ [Duration: :55]
What to Expect and What Happens After You File a Credit Report Dispute?
What happens after you file a credit report dispute? Equifax will review the provided information, and if the investigation by Equifax finds that the information on your Equifax credit report needs to be updated, Equifax will update it. You can also contact the creditor or lender that reported the information to Equifax and dispute with them directly. [Duration: 0:48]
Three Things to Know About Credit Report Disputes
Three things to know about credit report disputes. First, a credit report dispute is when you notify a credit bureau like Equifax about something being wrong. Next is how to file a dispute with Equifax. Create or sign into your free MyEquifax account to file a credit dispute on your Equifax account. Third, you'll get the results of the dispute investigation within 30 days. [Duration: 0:41]
Check your credit report
Checking your credit report can help you spot information that may be inaccurate or incomplete.
File a dispute for free
If you see information on your Equifax credit report that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete, simply file a dispute, and we'll look into it right away.
Results completed within 30 days
Once you’ve submitted a dispute, we’ll investigate and return your results.
Updates to your credit report
If we do find that information on your credit report needs to be updated, don't worry. We'll take care of it.
What you need to know
Ever wondered what information goes into your credit report, and what to look for as you’re reviewing it? A credit report is a summary of your unique financial history. The three nationwide credit bureaus collect and maintain a history of your credit activity as reported by the lenders and creditors you have accounts with. Your credit report includes important information about you, including:
- Personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, aliases or former names, current and former addresses, and sometimes your current and former employers;
- Account information, including payment history, account balances and limits, and dates the accounts were opened or closed. This includes credit accounts that may be in your name such as credit cards, mortgages, student loans, and vehicle loans;
- Bankruptcies and accounts in collections; and
- Inquiries, which lists the lenders and other companies that have accessed your credit report.
As you look at your credit report, keep the following in mind:
- In the personal information section of your credit report, is your name listed accurately, and your address up to date?
- In the account information portion of your credit report, are the accounts listed complete and accurate?
- If any of the information is inaccurate or incomplete, it is important to contact the lender or creditor that issued the account, or the nationwide credit bureau that issued the credit report.
You can also receive free credit reports with a myEquifax account.
When you file a dispute, you’ll need to provide some documentation. What you’ll need depends on what information you may be disputing. Here are some examples of the types of documents we may need copies of during our investigation:
Personal Information
- Valid driver's license
- Birth certificate
- Copy of a utility bill
Account Information
- Current bank statements with account information
- Letters from a lender showing an account has been corrected
- Proof that an account was the result of identity theft
Other information
- Bankruptcy schedules or other court documents
- Student loan disability letters
- Cancelled checks
Once you've successfully filed your credit dispute, you should expect the following to happen:
1. Confirmation Code
You'll receive a 10-digit confirmation code for future reference. You may check your status anytime within your myEquifax account.
2. Investigating Your Dispute
When reviewing your dispute, if we are able to make changes to your credit report based on the information you provided, we will do so. Otherwise, we contact the reporting company to verify the accuracy of the information you’re disputing.
3. Results in 30 Days
Within 30 days of your dispute request, we will notify you of the results of our dispute investigation.