
New Consumer Education Series Highlights Smart Holiday Spending Tips

December 01, 2023

THE HOLIDAY SEASON BRINGS TRAVEL, GIFTS, CELEBRATIONS AND LOTS OF OPPORTUNITY FOR SPENDING. Being mindful of your budget now and making thoughtful purchases can set you up for success in the new year. 

Equifax is proud to introduce a new consumer credit video education series. The series is designed to help people learn more about U.S. credit scores, U.S. credit reports, frequently asked questions and more.

Our “Smart Holiday Spending Tips” video highlights five ideas that can help you plan ahead and ease financial stress throughout the holiday season: 

  1. Set a Budget
  2. Use a Credit Card
  3. Save
  4. Get Creative 
  5. Plan Travel

This educational series features more videos on popular subjects from the Equifax Knowledge Center and can be found on the Equifax YouTube page under the playlist: Equifax Learn.