Our Trended Credit*Hi-Lite™ Plus Telco, Pay TV & Utilities report provides traditional data from all three major credit reporting agencies along with differentiated, highly structured telco, pay tv and utilities attributes.
Trended Credit* Hi-Lite Plus Telco, Pay TV & Utilities Insights
Our flagship tri-merge credit report, now delivered with telco, pay tv and utilities attributes. These differentiated insights are delivered with the mortgage credit report, at no additional cost to lenders. These additional insights provide a more comprehensive view on a borrower that can make mortgage underwriting faster and easier.
Edited Credit*Hi-Lite
Edited Credit*Hi-Lite helps you clear credit policy/underwriting loan conditions.
It can be used to update trades lines, public record information, develop landlord references, or add a new credit reference that is not present in the credit file.
Key Benefits
The Value for Your Business
Trended credit data offers up to 24 months of past payment trends to help better predict risk
Powerful insights that are not typically available via traditional credit reports
Industry-leading customer service, turnaround, and system availability/disaster recovery processes
Streamline Your Application and Adverse Action Process
Easy-to-read format
Fast, easy ordering
“Plug and play” integration to leading Loan Origination, Automated Underwriting, and Point of Sale systems
Key credit information available at a glance
Regulatory compliance tools included
Frictionless experience
Delivery of telco, pay tv and utilities attributes directly from service providers