Modernize Prescreen to Grow your Lending Portfolio

  • Target prospects likely to open a new credit account that meet your risk profile
  • Optimize acquisition ROI by making confident, time-sensitive offers when consumers are likely to respond
  • Reduce risk by marketing to consumers who are less likely to default on payments
  • Enhance segmentation and expand your marketable audience with alternative data
  • Leverage email and digital prescreen
  • Be fast to market with advanced data and analytics tools
Product Sheet

Learn More About Equifax Prescreen

Prescreen delivers pre-approved consumer prospects tailored to meet the credit profile criteria for your lending offers. Increase acquisition by honing in on consumers with the right credit characteristics for your offers, while mitigating risk. Prescreen helps you create the ideal target audience by leveraging thousands of credit attributes, including event and behavior-based triggers, and your own credit-based attributes.  Prescreen is a consumer report and its use is regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

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Self-service Tools for Better Analytics and Campaign Performance

Leverage a cloud-based platform and dashboards to build and refine your Prescreen models and see how they’re working. Get your offers to market faster and quickly learn how campaigns can be improved.
  • Access and connect all datasets in one place
  • Test what-if and champion/challenger scenarios
  • Use a results feedback loop to fine-tune models

Expand Your Prospect Audiences

Use the latest data innovations to expand and refine acquisition targeting while managing risk.
  • Go beyond legacy credit scores to find thin file, credit invisible, and credit-rebuilding customers that may be a good fit.
  • Gain a more complete view of consumer financial capacity before Prescreen to find good prospects that you might otherwise not have spotted.
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Product Sheet

Prescreen Through Email and Digital Channels

We’ll help you move beyond direct mail by finding your prospects on social or matching Prescreen lists to email addresses. Our email deployment partner offers best-in-market email solutions based on one of the industry’s largest databases of high-quality, compliant, opt-in, and validated email addresses. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Prescreen combines the data quality of our credit-active consumer database with the insights of our attributes and scoring models to better power your acquisition campaigns. 

Find the sweet spot of lower risk accounts with high open rates. Prescreen uses predictive data elements to help calculate consumer propensity to open new accounts and can also reveal consumers who are less likely to default on payments.

Our unique alternative data and consumer financial and economic insights can help you reach attractive consumers with positive financial capacity or resilience.

Then, leverage the Equifax Ignite platform to speed model building and gain valuable insights and feedback to optimize your campaigns.

Make your customer acquisition process more effective by combining Prescreen data with the Equifax Ignite platform. Some benefits include:

  • Ease data management of acquisition campaigns
  • Access more data to fuel prospecting segmentation and reach new audiences
  • Explore campaign scenarios, advance analytics, and speed model builds by using a single platform to compile data, build and test models
  • Expand channel delivery with easy movement of target lists to third-party offer delivery platforms for direct mail and digital delivery Continuously fine-tune models using feedback loops.

Equifax has the strongest credit data in the industry - Real-time contributor data processing velocity that includes over 1,100 new contributors and 10M records from debt collectors. Over $1.6B+ records updated monthly for 240M+ consumers. Over 99% hit rate with an average of 13 trades per file.

Combine our credit data with powerful scores, attributes, alternative data and insights to fuel more-effective acquisition campaigns.

  • Make confident, time-sensitive offers
  • Target more specific groups of interested, qualified card consumers
  • Better segment consumer audiences for more tailored credit offers
  • Help reduce risk by targeting consumers who are less likely to default on payments
  • Boost marketing ROI by generating more targeted lists of high lifetime value prospects
  • Enhance segmentation, and expand your reach, with alternative consumer financial data and insights

Financial institutions use Prescreen for Acquisition and Cross-sell projects.

  • Acquisition and prospecting campaigns to reach consumers for new product offerings
  • Cross-sell campaigns to existing customers offering credit, loans and refinancing for auto, mortgage, home equity, bankcards and lines of credit.
  • Identify new pockets of opportunity and reach underserved audiences with a deeper view of prospects, thin files and credit invisibles by using alternative data and consumer financial insights.

Prescreen is subject to FCRA regulation and must be used for permissible purposes.

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Consumer Attributes
The industry’s largest, most powerful portfolio of credit attributes delivering enhanced predictability and performance
Equifax Ignite®
Unified data and analytics ecosystem for faster decision making
Target more revenue with tailored marketing
A multi-data credit score for more predictability
True In-Market Propensity Scores
Acquire the best customers first with refined prospect lists
TargetPoint Triggers
Reach consumers that are in-market for new credit
Digital Prescreen - Email
Reach your Prescreen audience through email
Digital Prescreen - Display
Reach your Prescreen audience through digital channels
DataX Credit Report
Bring more borrowers into view with non-traditional credit data

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Boost Your Prospecting

Explore 6 tips to modernize your lending acquisition campaigns
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