
Uncover Hidden Risks and Opportunities

Stay ahead of volatility with trends and consumer financial insights that drive swift action to mitigate risks and grow share
Marketing to small businesses? Learn more about our Commercial Data Solutions.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

In an uncertain economic environment, proactively identifying hidden risks and opportunities for your business is essential. Use our consumer financial insights and analysis of market trends to stay on top of changes that may impact your marketing strategy, revenue, customer base, and portfolio. Target potential customers smarter, mitigate risks, and continue to grow your business - even during economic volatility. 

6 Ways Equifax Can Help You Spot Hidden Risks and Opportunities

Evaluate borrower risk
Customer Portfolio Review
Review lending accounts for signs of increased financial stress.
Assess ability to pay
Financial Durability Measures
Differentiate consumers that may struggle to meet debt commitments.
Monitor financial trends
Credit Trends
Review time-series credit data to inform risk analysis.
Find consumer deposits
WealthComplete Premier
Target customers and prospects with significant asset and deposit growth potential.
Expand lending audience
Integrate differentiated data to score more thin, no-file, and credit repairers and grow your portfolio.

Find affluent consumers
Spending Power
Identify consumers that have discretionary funds to spend more on your products and services.

Real Solutions. Real Results.

Gain insights to help your business stay on top of opportunities, risks, and market trends.
Learn Timely Insights with Market Pulse Monthly Webinars 
Hear top industry, economic, and credit experts explain how the current environment could impact your business and learn actionable steps to address challenges.
Leverage Asset-based Targeting to Identify Deposit Opportunity
One bank identified over $5.6 billion in potential new assets by segmenting prospects by both affinity for the firm and deposit opportunity.
View Case Study

Industries We Serve


Target affluent consumers for premium vehicles and assess ability to make loan payments


Grow commercial accounts and make smarter decisions with the right data, seamless delivery and dedicated service

Communications & Utilities

Identify segments for upsell and monitor accounts for potential delinquency

Credit Unions

Identify members with deposit-growth potential and monitor borrowers for financial stress

Financial Services

Identify consumers with asset-growth potential and monitor borrowers for financial stress


Better assess consumers’ creditworthiness and monitor changes in credit activity

Mortgage & Housing

Better assess and monitor ability to meet long-term debt commitments

Retail & E-Commerce

Segment customers that can likely spend more and dig deeper into accounts that have missed payments

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Spot Hidden Opportunity and Risk

Learn tips to protect and grow your business during economic volatility.
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Assess your Recession Readiness

Protect and grow your business during uncertain times.