Segment data updated Q4, 2024
<$100K Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Starting Out - Getting By: A1
Ambitious, young singles relying on modest incomes and few assets. Simple finances. Rent their apartments.
<$100K Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Starting Out - Financial Challenges: A2
Young, single renters with low incomes and almost no assets. Spend little and may present a high credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Starting Out - Planners: A3
Young, married couples that have started investing in mutual funds and accumulating retirement assets. Have a mortgage and may present some credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Starting Out - New Investors: A4
Young investors strategically using their financial resources to invest in funds, stocks, and interest-bearing accounts. Manage credit well.
<$100K Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Working Class - Financial Challenges: B5
Singles and married couples with minimal education. Utilize credit heavily and have few, if any, assets and financial investments.
<$100K Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Working Class - Conservative Savers: B6
Singles with moderate incomes and few assets. Invest in a mix of simple, low-risk, interest-earning deposits. May present some credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Working Class - Credit Reliant: B7
Moderate-income families with simple financial investments like deposit accounts. May present a somewhat high credit risk. High mortgage balance relative to income.
<$100K Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Working Class - Investors: B8
Moderate-income families aiming for a diversified portfolio, including a heavy proportion of mutual funds and retirement funds. Low credit usage.
<$100K Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Uncertain Future - Financial Challenges: C9
Singles, most with no kids at home, preparing for retirement. Rely on modest incomes and minimal assets. Many lines of credit and may have adverse credit information.
<$100K Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Uncertain Future - Credit Reliant: C10
Married couples without children who are nearing retirement. Modest incomes and assets, including deposits and mutual funds. Reliant on credit and may present a credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Uncertain Future - Conservative Savers: C11
Mature, childless single and married households with moderate incomes and assets. Invest in interest-earning deposits and carry moderate credit balances.
<$100K Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Uncertain Future - Investors: C12
Pre-retirement couples with reasonable earnings and assets. Regularly use credit and invest heavily in high-risk investments and annuities. Retirement-focused.
<$100K Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Social Security Seniors - Minimal Assets: D13
Retired single and married couples with virtually no assets. Little credit. Uninvolved in banking activities.
<$100K Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Social Security Seniors - Very Elderly: D14
Senior households living off minimal assets. Prefer low-risk investments, including interest bearing deposits. May present moderate credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Social Security Seniors - Conservative Savers: D15
Older, mostly retired, childless, married couples with modest assets. Most savings in CDs and other deposit products. May present lower credit risk.
<$100K Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Social Security Seniors - Mixed Investments: D16
Retired, empty-nester singles and couples with a mix of low-risk investments, including mutual funds and deposits. Many lines of credit and high credit balance relative to income.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Youthful Promise - Planners: E17
Young married couples and families with fair assets and income. Hold relatively complex, high-risk investments. Many lines of credit, but low credit utilization.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Youthful Promise - Credit Dependent: E18
Households with moderate assets and several high-risk investments. Heavily dependent on credit. Likely paying off student loans.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Youthful Promise - Mixed Investments: E19
Professional college graduates enjoying good earnings and assets. Manage credit accounts well and have a mix of higher risk investments.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Youthful Promise - Thriving Investors: E20
Thirty-something professionals with significant earnings and assets. Have complex and diversified portfolios. High discretionary spending and relatively low use of credit.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Rising Stars - Credit-Active Investors: F21
Educated, married professionals with kids. Moderate assets and income. Highly leveraged but maintain good credit scores. Fairly risky portfolio.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Rising Stars - Retirement Planners: F22
Professional families with healthy assets, income, and spending. Complex portfolios, focused on retirement planning. Maintain many credit relationships.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Rising Stars - Savers: F23
Professional families and singles, savers with fair assets and income. Conservative investors with a retirement plan. Maintain low credit balances.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: Rising Stars - Investors: F24
Risk-tolerant families seeking a diverse, complex portfolio. "Buyers of the Best" with high assets and low credit utilization.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Safe and Secure - Credit-Active Investors: G25
Heavy credit users with multiple credit lines/accounts. Pre-retirement couples with complex portfolios. Moderate assets and higher incomes.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Safe and Secure - Savers: G26
Mature, financially secure, risk averse, savers. Use credit minimally. Married couples and singles ready for retirement.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Safe and Secure - Retirement Planners: G27
Married homeowners with good assets and earnings. Portfolios consist of medium-risk mutual funds and stocks. Manage credit well. Planning for retirement.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Safe and Secure - Investors: G28
Married, childless households with high assets and incomes. Maintain good credit and complex portfolios. Risk-tolerant.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Respected Seniors - Post-Retirement Mix: H29
Retirees with adequate assets and income. Financially well organized and spend modestly. Conservative investors with many credit lines but low utilization.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Respected Seniors - Very Elderly: H30
Older households with healthy assets and income. Low credit utilization. Spend little and prefer face-to-face financial transactions.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Respected Seniors - Complex Investments: H31
Highly educated singles and couples with a complex portfolio and significant assets. Conservative spenders that rarely max out their credit.
$1MM+ Assets, Age <35, Major Metro: Young Millionaires - Young Investors: I32
Young, financially-savvy households with $1M+ in assets, healthy incomes and high spending. Have a complex, mutual fund-heavy mix of investments. Use credit moderately.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: High-Powered Careers - Planners: J33
Well educated, married homeowners with very complex banking and investment profiles. Have substantial assets and incomes. Limited use of credit.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: High-Powered Careers - Accumulators: J34
Affluent singles and families with a complex investment mix of primarily mutual funds and deposits. Low credit use.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: High-Powered Careers - Investors: J35
Families with substantial incomes and heavy spending habits. Use credit wisely and hold their $1M+ assets in a complex variety of financial products.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 35-54, Major Metro: High-Powered Careers - High Worth: J36
Super-wealthy, risk-tolerant families with substantial assets in a complex mix of investments, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds. "Buyers of the Best."
$1MM+ Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Successful Executives - Accumulators: K37
Married, well-off empty nesters with complex portfolios that show a bias for mutual funds. Highly insured and may have multiple homes. Use credit sparingly.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Successful Executives - Investors: K38
Wealthy households with complex portfolios containing high-risk investments, mainly stocks and mutual funds. Advice-oriented. Well managed credit.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 55-64, Major Metro: Successful Executives - Very Wealthy: K39
Ultra-wealthy, mature households heading into comfortable retirement. High incomes, high spending, and a highly complex investment mix. Advisor-oriented and risk tolerant.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Eminent and Wealthy - Well-Planned Retirement: L40
Retired, married homeowners with a complex mix of investments, heavily focused on funds. Use credit moderately. Have well-planned retirement.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Eminent and Wealthy - Very Elderly: L41
Seniors with significant wealth. Complex, high-risk portfolios contain interest-bearing deposits, mutual funds and stocks. Use credit somewhat sparingly and limit their balances.
$1MM+ Assets, Age 65+, Major Metro: Eminent and Wealthy - Wealthiest: L42
Wealthiest cluster. Retired, married couples with high incomes and over $5M in assets. Complex portfolios with high proportion of stocks. Work with financial advisors. “Buyers of the Best.”
<$100K Assets, Small City: Strugglers and Strivers - Meager Means: M43
Small-city singles and married couples with minimal assets and low incomes. Use credit heavily. “Spenders” rather than “savers.”
<$100K Assets, Small City: Strugglers and Strivers - Credit Reliant: M44
Low income, home-owning families with negligible assets living in smaller cities. Heavily reliant on credit with multiple credit lines and high balances.
<$100K Assets, Small City: Strugglers and Strivers - Planners: M45
Families planning for retirement by investing in mutual funds and their 401K. Have moderate incomes, modest assets and a deposit-heavy portfolio.
<$100K Assets, Small City: Strugglers and Strivers - Near Retirement: M46
Older, childless households that prefer low-risk investments. Have meager assets and occasionally use credit cards. Live in low-income areas of small cities.
<$100K Assets, Small City: Strugglers and Strivers - Beginning to Invest: M47
Singles and couples with some assets and moderate incomes. Portfolios have a moderately complex mix of investments, including mutual funds and retirement funds.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small City: Mature Mainstream - Deposits and Credit: N48
Pre-retirement, home-owning couples with moderately complex portfolios that include mutual funds and deposits. Multiple lines of credit and high credit balance compared to income.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small City: Mature Mainstream - Older Conservative: N49
Couples and singles in small cities with conservative portfolios comprised of interest-bearing deposits and a few funds. Disciplined spenders who use credit cards infrequently.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small City: Mature Mainstream - Retirement Planners: N50
Retirement-focused families. Comfortable with moderate risk and invest mainly in mutual funds. Active credit card users but maintain low balances.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small City: Mature Mainstream - Older Investors: N51
Married, risk tolerant couples with high assets and incomes. Keep assets in stocks and mutual funds. Low credit card usage.
$1MM+ Assets, Small City: Achievers and Winners - Elderly and Prudent: O52
Older, retired, single and married homeowners in small cities, with mixed investments managed by and advisor. Smart consumers with low credit activity.
$1MM+ Assets, Small City: Achievers and Winners - Wealthy Investors: O53
Married couples in or nearing retirement with high assets, incomes, and spending. Fairly complex, high-risk investments including stocks and mutual funds. Credit well managed.
<$100K Assets, Small Town & Rural: Working Small Town - Financial Challenges: P54
Largest cluster. Working-class single and married couples with almost no investments. May struggle to get credit. Living on tight budgets.
<$100K Assets, Small Town & Rural: Working Small Town - Credit Reliant: P55
Married homeowners with low assets and incomes who utilize credit heavily. Confused when selecting financial products. Saving is a challenge.
<$100K Assets, Small Town & Rural: Working Small Town - Conservative Planners: P56
Families with modest incomes and assets. Have deposits and investments, favoring annuities, retirement assets and mutual funds. Use credit moderately.
<$100K Assets, Small Town & Rural: Working Small Town - Conservative Investors: P57
Lower-income, retired households that have some assets, primarily deposits. Low credit usage. Unsure about their financial choices.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small Town & Rural: Small Town Leaders - Older Conservative: Q58
Elderly homeowners living off their assets. Have relatively low incomes and a conservative investment mix. May carry a low credit card balance.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small Town & Rural: Small Town Leaders - Retirement Planners: Q59
Families with good incomes and a fairly complex investment mix, mainly in mutual funds. Fairly risk tolerant and manage credit well.
$100K - $1MM Assets, Small Town & Rural: Small Town Leaders - Older Investors: Q60
Educated retirees with a complex investment mix. Manage finances well and stick to a budget. Risk tolerant. Very low credit utilization.
$1MM+ Assets, Small Town & Rural: Country Nobility - Wealthy Investors: R61
Wealthy retirees with significant assets and income and a complex investment mix. Comfortable with some financial risk. Well managed credit.
*Digital targeting segments from Equifax were not developed or intended to be taken into consideration as a factor in establishing or determining an individual’s eligibility for personal credit, insurance, or employment, or for any other purpose contemplated under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. Equifax targeting segments neither contain nor reveal any personally identifiable information.