Economic Cohorts

Economic Cohorts® is an economic-based consumer segmentation system that groups households based on estimated economics, including estimates of total income, discretionary spending, and credit usage. Economic Cohorts’ 71 clusters allow marketers to better understand the likely economic and behavioral characteristics of households in their target clusters in order to increase the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts.
Percentages listed are the percentage of all US households (HHs) that fall into this segment.
Percentages listed are the percentage of all US households (HHs) that fall into this segment
Segment data updated Q4, 2024
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Tough Start - Young Single Parents: A1
Struggling single parents. Discretionary spending nearly outpaces income. High credit utilization. Poorly managed credit. Renters. Blue collar jobs. Child-influenced.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Tough Start - Young Singles: A2
Single twenty-somethings, no kids. Discretionary spending nearly outpaces income. High credit utilization. Lack budgeting savvy. High school educations/some college, blue collar jobs. Renters. Social.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Starting Small - Small-Town Families: A3
Families with kids, most are married. Income slightly greater than discretionary spending. Not many credit/loan accounts, moderate credit utilization. Cannot save much money. Comfortable borrowing. Enjoy the outdoors.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Starting Small - Small-Town Singles: A4
Young singles, many are students. Simple finances. Income is somewhat higher than discretionary spending. Small number credit/loan accounts. Cell phone only.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Living on Loans - Young Urban Single Parents: A5
Single parents. Heavy utilization of few lines of credit. Little savings. Renters. Most completed high school, some college. “Swayable Shopaholics.”
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Living on Loans - Young Urban Singles: A6
Young singles renting in downscale, urban areas. Discretionary spending just within income. High credit utilization. Favor debit cards. Auto and sports enthusiasts.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Mid-Life Strugglers - Small-Town Families: B7
Blue collar, singles and couples, no kids. Small-town lifestyle. Traditional values. Financially uninvolved. High-school educated. Enjoy simple pleasures.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Mid-Life Strugglers - Singles: B8
Families with kids, renting in downscale big city neighborhoods. Many single parents. High credit utilization on relatively small number of credit lines. Spenders rather than savers.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Getting By - Small-Town Families : B9
Mostly singles. No kids. Downscale, inner city neighborhoods. Credit poorly managed, high utilization. Spenders not savers. Impulse shoppers and lottery players. Approval seekers.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Getting By - Small-Town Singles and Couples: B10
Struggling families with kids. Mixed marital status. Income barely covers discretionary spending. Very high credit utilization. Renters with blue collar jobs.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Crunched - City Families : B11
Struggling middle-aged singles. Blue collar jobs, high school educations. High utilization of few lines of credit. Unsophisticated finances. Enjoy solitary activities.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Crunched - City Singles: B12
Blue collar, dual income families with kids. Mostly married. Small town/rural. High-school educated, homeowners. Expense conscious. Moderate credit utilization. Simple finances.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Retiring on Empty - Singles : C13
Singles, no kids. Scraping by. Heading towards retirement with minimal savings. Spending consumes most of income. Moderate utilization on few lines of credit. Creatures of habit.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Burdened by Debt - Small-Town Singles : C14
Pre-retirement singles in small towns/rural areas and cities. No kids. Very modest income, Low discretionary spending. High credit balance; not risk-takers. Medicare/Medicaid reliant.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Families: C15
Families with kids. Spend cautiously, discretionary spending levels low. Moderate credit utilization. Penny pinchers.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Small-Town Empty Nesters: C16
No kids. Empty nesters. Some are married. Towns and rural areas. Trying to build savings. Conscientious consumers. Very low credit use. Dislike taking risks when investing.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Urban Pre-Retirement Singles: C17
Mostly singles. No kids. City dwellers. Renters. Modest income, low discretionary spending levels, and high credit utilization. High-school educated.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Relying on Aid - Retired Singles: D18
Struggling retired singles. Barely getting by. Medicare/Medicaid dependent. No savings. Very low discretionary spending and income. Moderate credit utilization; few lines of credit.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Rough Retirement - Small-Town and Rural Seniors: D19
Small-town and rural retirees. Mixed married and single. Modest incomes and low discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization and high balances relative to income. Traditionalists. High-school educations.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Struggling Elders - Small-Town and Rural Singles: D20
Elderly retirees. Most are single/widowed. Few credit lines. Savers with low credit utilization. Sedentary lifestyles. Medicare dependent.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Modest Means - Urban Retirees: D21
Big city retirees of modest means. Low credit activity. Savers rather than spenders. Bargain hunters. Medicare dependent. Religious with traditional values. Use credit judiciously.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Credit City - Young Families: E22
Young families in big cities. Mid-range income. Spenders, not savers. Borrow freely. Tend to carry a credit card balance. Renters. Thrill-seekers that value material possessions.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Credit City - Young Singles: E23
Young singles in downscale, big city neighborhoods. No kids. Some college or Bachelor’s degree. Renters. Mid-range income. Active credit users; high credit utilization. Shopaholics living for today.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Midscale Mainstream - Small-Town Families: E24
Young families. Small towns or city suburbs. Moderate discretionary spending and income and average credit utilization. Carry a balance. Homeowners and renters. Family-oriented.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Midscale Mainstream - Small-Town Singles and Couples: E25
No kids. College-educated singles and couples in towns or city suburbs. Average number of credit /loan accounts; discretionary spending in check. Approval seekers.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Getting Ahead - Young City Families: E26
Upcoming young families in cities. Controlled discretionary spending, moderate credit utilization. Some are college-educated. Starting to save. Ambitious and launching careers. Impulse shoppers.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Getting Ahead - Young City Singles : E27
Upcoming young singles in cities. Moderate discretionary spending and credit utilization. College-educated. Launching careers. Have student loans. Trendy and adventurous.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Living Simply - Small-Town Families: F28
Families with teens in small towns and rural areas. Average incomes and discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Carry moderate to lower balances. Conservative values. Child-influenced.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Living Simply - Small-Town Singles and Couples: F29
Couples and singles in small cities, towns and rural areas; no kids. Average incomes and discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Somewhat conservative. Not materially focused.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Rules - Urban Families : F30
Families with teens in downscale city neighborhoods. Moderate income, average discretionary spending. High credit utilization. Desire higher social status. Child-influenced.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Rules - Urban Singles: F31
Mostly singles, in downscale city neighborhoods. Moderate incomes. High credit utilization. Carry a balance. Living for today. Not saving. Keep up with technology trends. No kids.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Stability - Families : F32
Mostly forty-somethings, married with kids. Suburbs of big cities. Somewhat higher than average income; moderate discretionary spending; use credit wisely. Dual income professionals. Homeowners. Priority parents
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Stability - Singles and Couples: F33
Singles and couples; no kids. Financially balanced. Healthy income, moderate discretionary spending. Spend a little, save a little. Credit in check. Commuting professionals. Homeowners.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Committed to Credit - Small-Town Couples: G34
Pre-retirement, mostly married couples; no kids. Average income and discretionary spending, high credit utilization. Finances are not in order. High school educated. Homeowners, primarily in small towns.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Striving for Balance - Urban Pre-Retirement Singles: G35
City dwellers. Single, many divorced or separated, no kids. Average income and discretionary spending, but high credit utilization. High school, some college. Some unemployed.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Conservative Consumers - Small-Town Empty Nesters: G36
Pre-retired, married, no kids. Financially conservative. Average income and discretionary spending. Minimal credit use. High school, some college. Homeowners in small towns and rural areas. Traditional and religious.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Conservative Consumers - Suburban Families: G37
Pre-retirement, suburban dwellers. Married with teenagers. Slightly higher than average income, moderate discretionary spending, low credit use. Saving for college. High school educated. Homeowners. Family-oriented.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Solid Foundation - Suburban Empty Nesters: G38
Mostly married couples, no kids. Pre-retired homeowners in suburban areas. Savers rather than spenders. Above-average income, moderate discretionary spending, low credit utilization. Conservative investors. High school, some college. Many hobbies, charitable.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Retired on Credit - City Singles and Couples: H39
Seventy-something retired singles and couples, no kids. Average income and discretionary spending. High credit utilization. High school. Homeowners in mid-size cities. Use coupons. Not physically active.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Safety Net Seniors - Small-Town Retired Couples: H40
Retirees with conservative views and finances. Small town and rural. Dislike borrowing. Low credit use. Average discretionary spending. Simple lives, few interests.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Nest Egg Elders - Older Retirees: H41
Elderly retirees with moderate savings. Homeowners. Most are single/widowed. Tight discretionary spending. Limited credit use. Sedentary lives. Health conscious.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Comfortable Retirement - Suburban Singles and Couples: H42
Older retired, suburban couples. Creatures of habit. Spend within their means. Low credit reliance. Rarely carry a credit card balance. Prefer low risk investments. Savers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Charge-It Champs - Young Suburban Families: I43
Ambitious married couples with kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Credit active. Tech savvy. Midscale to upscale neighborhoods. “Swayable Shopaholics.”
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Charge-It Champs - Young Suburban Singles: I44
Educated young singles. No kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Very credit active. Limited investments. Thrill seekers. Value material possessions. Have a student loan.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Confident Futures - Young City Families: I45
Young parents with dual incomes. Financially stable. Planning for their futures. Low credit utilization. Spend within their means. Big city, upscale neighborhoods. Child-oriented.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Confident Futures - Young City Singles and Couples: I46
College educated singles and some couples. High income. Low credit utilization. Comfortable taking investment risks. Focused on paying off loans. Big city, upscale neighborhoods.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Material World - Urban Families: I47
Married with kids. High discretionary spending relative to their high income. Low credit reliance. Finances are under control. Have a nest egg. Social climbers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Material World - Urban Singles: I48
Ambitious, highly educated singles. High income and discretionary spending levels. Low credit utilization. Comfortable borrowing money, but never or rarely carry credit card balance. Follow trends.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), House of Cards - Suburban Families: J49
Family-oriented couples with kids. Heavy use of credit cards; many loans. Often carry credit card balances. High income, moderate discretionary spending levels. Few investments. Spenders more than savers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), House of Cards - Suburban Singles and Couples: J50
Adventurous singles and couples; no kids. Reliant on a large number of credit cards and loans. Occasionally take financial risks. High income, moderate discretionary spending levels. Play the lottery.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Prudent Professionals - Suburban Families: J51
Economically prudent, highly-educated suburban homeowners. Low discretionary spending levels relative to their high income. Low credit utilization. Have life insurance. Loyal to their financial institution(s).
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Prudent Professionals - Suburban Singles and Couples: J52
Couples and singles in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods; no kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Careful money managers; low credit utilization. Homeowners. Educated professionals.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Success - Upscale Families : J53
Families with high incomes and discretionary spending. Frequent credit card usage. Rarely carry a balance. College-educated. Well-insured homeowners. Tech-connected.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Success - Upscale Singles and Couples : J54
Singles and couples in or near cities, no kids. High incomes and discretionary spending. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Money and material possessions important.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Living for Today - Singles and Couples: K55
Couples in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods; no kids. Fairly high income. Moderate discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Little savings. Homeowners. Buy based on quality.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Suburban Families: K56
Families in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods. High incomes. Moderate discretionary spenders. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Active savers. Kids influence shopping.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Small Town Couples: K57
Couples in small towns. No kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Low credit utilization. Long-time homeowners.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Urban Singles and Couples: K58
Upscale pre-retirement singles and couples in big cities, no kids. Moderate discretionary spending relative to high income. Carry below-average credit card balances. Homeowners. College-educated. Value financial planning.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Country Club Climbers - Suburban Empty Nesters: K59
Married couples in upscale city suburbs. High incomes. High discretionary spending. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. Many have graduate degrees. Curious about new things. Buy the best.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Comfortable with Credit - Upscale Retirees: L60
Retired couples and singles in city areas. High income. Moderate discretionary spending. Credit active. Homeowners. Conservative investors. Slowing down.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Rewarding Retirement - Affluent Suburbanites: L61
Couples in upscale city neighborhoods, no kids. Healthy retirement incomes. Moderate discretionary spending. Very low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Very conservative. Follow current events.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Affluent Elders - Older Upscale Suburbanites: L62
Well-educated elderly retirees in upscale city neighborhoods. Significant retirement income, moderate discretionary spending. Low credit activity. Generally financially conservative. Satisfied with lifestyles.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Established Wealth - Suburban Retirees: L63
Well-off couples in upscale city suburbs. Light credit use. High income and discretionary spending. Enjoy spending but do not make impulse purchases. Weekend/vacation home.
$200K+ Income, Age: Young (<35), Big Shots - Young Upmarket Urbanites: M64
Ambitious, upscale city dwellers. Rent or own apartments in fashionable downtown districts. Very high income, high discretionary spending. Well-managed credit. Tech savvy. Enjoy active adventures.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Careers First - City Singles: N65
Hardworking, very affluent professionals in upscale inner city districts. Some with kids. Homeowners. Low discretionary spending compared to peers. Well -managed credit. Financially sophisticated.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Executive Spenders - Suburban Families: N66
Affluent, active families with kids. Upscale suburbs. High income and discretionary spending. Well-managed credit; many expenses. Highly-educated.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Executive Spenders - Suburban Couples: N67
Well-educated professionals in upscale suburbs. No kids. High discretionary spending. Materialistic. Well-planned investments. Credit active; credit well managed.
$200K+ Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Corner Offices - Executive Urban Singles and Couples: O68
High-earning, pre-retirement professionals. No kids/empty nests. Affluent, big city areas. Sophisticated investors and consumers. Discretionary spending accounts for over half their ample income. Credit active. Cultured.
$200K+ Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Champagne Tastes - Executive Empty Nesters: O69
Highly-educated couples in the best suburbs. Enjoying their wealth. Very high income and discretionary spending. Financially sophisticated and active. Living well.
$200K+ Income, Age: Retired (65+), Flush Funds - Wealthy Urban Seniors: P70
Very well-off retirees in upscale city neighborhoods. Financially conservative savers. High income from well planned investments. Relatively low credit use. Enjoying retirement. Brands matter.
$200K+ Income, Age: Retired (65+), Diamonds and Pearls - Wealthiest Retirees: P71
Married seniors with high incomes. Best suburbs. Very high discretionary spenders, especially on travel. Very ample, diversified financial resources, professionally managed. Luxury retirement.

*Digital targeting segments from Equifax were not developed or intended to be taken into consideration as a factor in establishing or determining an individual’s eligibility for personal credit, insurance, or employment, or for any other purpose contemplated under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. Equifax targeting segments neither contain nor reveal any personally identifiable information.

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