Segment data updated Q4, 2024
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Tough Start - Young Single Parents: A1
Struggling single parents. Discretionary spending nearly outpaces income. High credit utilization. Poorly managed credit. Renters. Blue collar jobs. Child-influenced.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Tough Start - Young Singles: A2
Single twenty-somethings, no kids. Discretionary spending nearly outpaces income. High credit utilization. Lack budgeting savvy. High school educations/some college, blue collar jobs. Renters. Social.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Starting Small - Small-Town Families: A3
Families with kids, most are married. Income slightly greater than discretionary spending. Not many credit/loan accounts, moderate credit utilization. Cannot save much money. Comfortable borrowing. Enjoy the outdoors.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Starting Small - Small-Town Singles: A4
Young singles, many are students. Simple finances. Income is somewhat higher than discretionary spending. Small number credit/loan accounts. Cell phone only.
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Living on Loans - Young Urban Single Parents: A5
Single parents. Heavy utilization of few lines of credit. Little savings. Renters. Most completed high school, some college. “Swayable Shopaholics.”
<$50K Income, Age: Young (<35), Living on Loans - Young Urban Singles: A6
Young singles renting in downscale, urban areas. Discretionary spending just within income. High credit utilization. Favor debit cards. Auto and sports enthusiasts.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Mid-Life Strugglers - Small-Town Families: B7
Blue collar, singles and couples, no kids. Small-town lifestyle. Traditional values. Financially uninvolved. High-school educated. Enjoy simple pleasures.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Mid-Life Strugglers - Singles: B8
Families with kids, renting in downscale big city neighborhoods. Many single parents. High credit utilization on relatively small number of credit lines. Spenders rather than savers.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Getting By - Small-Town Families : B9
Mostly singles. No kids. Downscale, inner city neighborhoods. Credit poorly managed, high utilization. Spenders not savers. Impulse shoppers and lottery players. Approval seekers.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Getting By - Small-Town Singles and Couples: B10
Struggling families with kids. Mixed marital status. Income barely covers discretionary spending. Very high credit utilization. Renters with blue collar jobs.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Crunched - City Families : B11
Struggling middle-aged singles. Blue collar jobs, high school educations. High utilization of few lines of credit. Unsophisticated finances. Enjoy solitary activities.
<$50K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Crunched - City Singles: B12
Blue collar, dual income families with kids. Mostly married. Small town/rural. High-school educated, homeowners. Expense conscious. Moderate credit utilization. Simple finances.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Retiring on Empty - Singles : C13
Singles, no kids. Scraping by. Heading towards retirement with minimal savings. Spending consumes most of income. Moderate utilization on few lines of credit. Creatures of habit.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Burdened by Debt - Small-Town Singles : C14
Pre-retirement singles in small towns/rural areas and cities. No kids. Very modest income, Low discretionary spending. High credit balance; not risk-takers. Medicare/Medicaid reliant.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Families: C15
Families with kids. Spend cautiously, discretionary spending levels low. Moderate credit utilization. Penny pinchers.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Small-Town Empty Nesters: C16
No kids. Empty nesters. Some are married. Towns and rural areas. Trying to build savings. Conscientious consumers. Very low credit use. Dislike taking risks when investing.
<$50K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Sensible Spenders - Urban Pre-Retirement Singles: C17
Mostly singles. No kids. City dwellers. Renters. Modest income, low discretionary spending levels, and high credit utilization. High-school educated.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Relying on Aid - Retired Singles: D18
Struggling retired singles. Barely getting by. Medicare/Medicaid dependent. No savings. Very low discretionary spending and income. Moderate credit utilization; few lines of credit.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Rough Retirement - Small-Town and Rural Seniors: D19
Small-town and rural retirees. Mixed married and single. Modest incomes and low discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization and high balances relative to income. Traditionalists. High-school educations.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Struggling Elders - Small-Town and Rural Singles: D20
Elderly retirees. Most are single/widowed. Few credit lines. Savers with low credit utilization. Sedentary lifestyles. Medicare dependent.
<$50K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Modest Means - Urban Retirees: D21
Big city retirees of modest means. Low credit activity. Savers rather than spenders. Bargain hunters. Medicare dependent. Religious with traditional values. Use credit judiciously.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Credit City - Young Families: E22
Young families in big cities. Mid-range income. Spenders, not savers. Borrow freely. Tend to carry a credit card balance. Renters. Thrill-seekers that value material possessions.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Credit City - Young Singles: E23
Young singles in downscale, big city neighborhoods. No kids. Some college or Bachelor’s degree. Renters. Mid-range income. Active credit users; high credit utilization. Shopaholics living for today.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Midscale Mainstream - Small-Town Families: E24
Young families. Small towns or city suburbs. Moderate discretionary spending and income and average credit utilization. Carry a balance. Homeowners and renters. Family-oriented.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Midscale Mainstream - Small-Town Singles and Couples: E25
No kids. College-educated singles and couples in towns or city suburbs. Average number of credit /loan accounts; discretionary spending in check. Approval seekers.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Getting Ahead - Young City Families: E26
Upcoming young families in cities. Controlled discretionary spending, moderate credit utilization. Some are college-educated. Starting to save. Ambitious and launching careers. Impulse shoppers.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Young (<35), Getting Ahead - Young City Singles : E27
Upcoming young singles in cities. Moderate discretionary spending and credit utilization. College-educated. Launching careers. Have student loans. Trendy and adventurous.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Living Simply - Small-Town Families: F28
Families with teens in small towns and rural areas. Average incomes and discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Carry moderate to lower balances. Conservative values. Child-influenced.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Living Simply - Small-Town Singles and Couples: F29
Couples and singles in small cities, towns and rural areas; no kids. Average incomes and discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Somewhat conservative. Not materially focused.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Rules - Urban Families : F30
Families with teens in downscale city neighborhoods. Moderate income, average discretionary spending. High credit utilization. Desire higher social status. Child-influenced.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Credit Rules - Urban Singles: F31
Mostly singles, in downscale city neighborhoods. Moderate incomes. High credit utilization. Carry a balance. Living for today. Not saving. Keep up with technology trends. No kids.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Stability - Families : F32
Mostly forty-somethings, married with kids. Suburbs of big cities. Somewhat higher than average income; moderate discretionary spending; use credit wisely. Dual income professionals. Homeowners. Priority parents
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Stability - Singles and Couples: F33
Singles and couples; no kids. Financially balanced. Healthy income, moderate discretionary spending. Spend a little, save a little. Credit in check. Commuting professionals. Homeowners.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Committed to Credit - Small-Town Couples: G34
Pre-retirement, mostly married couples; no kids. Average income and discretionary spending, high credit utilization. Finances are not in order. High school educated. Homeowners, primarily in small towns.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Striving for Balance - Urban Pre-Retirement Singles: G35
City dwellers. Single, many divorced or separated, no kids. Average income and discretionary spending, but high credit utilization. High school, some college. Some unemployed.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Conservative Consumers - Small-Town Empty Nesters: G36
Pre-retired, married, no kids. Financially conservative. Average income and discretionary spending. Minimal credit use. High school, some college. Homeowners in small towns and rural areas. Traditional and religious.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Conservative Consumers - Suburban Families: G37
Pre-retirement, suburban dwellers. Married with teenagers. Slightly higher than average income, moderate discretionary spending, low credit use. Saving for college. High school educated. Homeowners. Family-oriented.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Solid Foundation - Suburban Empty Nesters: G38
Mostly married couples, no kids. Pre-retired homeowners in suburban areas. Savers rather than spenders. Above-average income, moderate discretionary spending, low credit utilization. Conservative investors. High school, some college. Many hobbies, charitable.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Retired on Credit - City Singles and Couples: H39
Seventy-something retired singles and couples, no kids. Average income and discretionary spending. High credit utilization. High school. Homeowners in mid-size cities. Use coupons. Not physically active.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Safety Net Seniors - Small-Town Retired Couples: H40
Retirees with conservative views and finances. Small town and rural. Dislike borrowing. Low credit use. Average discretionary spending. Simple lives, few interests.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Nest Egg Elders - Older Retirees: H41
Elderly retirees with moderate savings. Homeowners. Most are single/widowed. Tight discretionary spending. Limited credit use. Sedentary lives. Health conscious.
$50K-$100K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Comfortable Retirement - Suburban Singles and Couples: H42
Older retired, suburban couples. Creatures of habit. Spend within their means. Low credit reliance. Rarely carry a credit card balance. Prefer low risk investments. Savers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Charge-It Champs - Young Suburban Families: I43
Ambitious married couples with kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Credit active. Tech savvy. Midscale to upscale neighborhoods. “Swayable Shopaholics.”
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Charge-It Champs - Young Suburban Singles: I44
Educated young singles. No kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Very credit active. Limited investments. Thrill seekers. Value material possessions. Have a student loan.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Confident Futures - Young City Families: I45
Young parents with dual incomes. Financially stable. Planning for their futures. Low credit utilization. Spend within their means. Big city, upscale neighborhoods. Child-oriented.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Confident Futures - Young City Singles and Couples: I46
College educated singles and some couples. High income. Low credit utilization. Comfortable taking investment risks. Focused on paying off loans. Big city, upscale neighborhoods.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Material World - Urban Families: I47
Married with kids. High discretionary spending relative to their high income. Low credit reliance. Finances are under control. Have a nest egg. Social climbers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Young (<35), Material World - Urban Singles: I48
Ambitious, highly educated singles. High income and discretionary spending levels. Low credit utilization. Comfortable borrowing money, but never or rarely carry credit card balance. Follow trends.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), House of Cards - Suburban Families: J49
Family-oriented couples with kids. Heavy use of credit cards; many loans. Often carry credit card balances. High income, moderate discretionary spending levels. Few investments. Spenders more than savers.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), House of Cards - Suburban Singles and Couples: J50
Adventurous singles and couples; no kids. Reliant on a large number of credit cards and loans. Occasionally take financial risks. High income, moderate discretionary spending levels. Play the lottery.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Prudent Professionals - Suburban Families: J51
Economically prudent, highly-educated suburban homeowners. Low discretionary spending levels relative to their high income. Low credit utilization. Have life insurance. Loyal to their financial institution(s).
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Prudent Professionals - Suburban Singles and Couples: J52
Couples and singles in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods; no kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Careful money managers; low credit utilization. Homeowners. Educated professionals.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Success - Upscale Families : J53
Families with high incomes and discretionary spending. Frequent credit card usage. Rarely carry a balance. College-educated. Well-insured homeowners. Tech-connected.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Suburban Success - Upscale Singles and Couples : J54
Singles and couples in or near cities, no kids. High incomes and discretionary spending. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Money and material possessions important.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Living for Today - Singles and Couples: K55
Couples in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods; no kids. Fairly high income. Moderate discretionary spending. Moderate credit utilization. Little savings. Homeowners. Buy based on quality.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Suburban Families: K56
Families in midscale and upscale city neighborhoods. High incomes. Moderate discretionary spenders. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Active savers. Kids influence shopping.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Small Town Couples: K57
Couples in small towns. No kids. High income, moderate discretionary spending habits. Low credit utilization. Long-time homeowners.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Planners and Savers - Urban Singles and Couples: K58
Upscale pre-retirement singles and couples in big cities, no kids. Moderate discretionary spending relative to high income. Carry below-average credit card balances. Homeowners. College-educated. Value financial planning.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Country Club Climbers - Suburban Empty Nesters: K59
Married couples in upscale city suburbs. High incomes. High discretionary spending. Low credit utilization. Homeowners. Many have graduate degrees. Curious about new things. Buy the best.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Comfortable with Credit - Upscale Retirees: L60
Retired couples and singles in city areas. High income. Moderate discretionary spending. Credit active. Homeowners. Conservative investors. Slowing down.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Rewarding Retirement - Affluent Suburbanites: L61
Couples in upscale city neighborhoods, no kids. Healthy retirement incomes. Moderate discretionary spending. Very low credit utilization. Homeowners. College-educated. Very conservative. Follow current events.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Affluent Elders - Older Upscale Suburbanites: L62
Well-educated elderly retirees in upscale city neighborhoods. Significant retirement income, moderate discretionary spending. Low credit activity. Generally financially conservative. Satisfied with lifestyles.
$100-$200K Income, Age: Retired (65+), Established Wealth - Suburban Retirees: L63
Well-off couples in upscale city suburbs. Light credit use. High income and discretionary spending. Enjoy spending but do not make impulse purchases. Weekend/vacation home.
$200K+ Income, Age: Young (<35), Big Shots - Young Upmarket Urbanites: M64
Ambitious, upscale city dwellers. Rent or own apartments in fashionable downtown districts. Very high income, high discretionary spending. Well-managed credit. Tech savvy. Enjoy active adventures.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Careers First - City Singles: N65
Hardworking, very affluent professionals in upscale inner city districts. Some with kids. Homeowners. Low discretionary spending compared to peers. Well -managed credit. Financially sophisticated.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Executive Spenders - Suburban Families: N66
Affluent, active families with kids. Upscale suburbs. High income and discretionary spending. Well-managed credit; many expenses. Highly-educated.
$200K+ Income, Age: Working Years (35-54), Executive Spenders - Suburban Couples: N67
Well-educated professionals in upscale suburbs. No kids. High discretionary spending. Materialistic. Well-planned investments. Credit active; credit well managed.
$200K+ Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Corner Offices - Executive Urban Singles and Couples: O68
High-earning, pre-retirement professionals. No kids/empty nests. Affluent, big city areas. Sophisticated investors and consumers. Discretionary spending accounts for over half their ample income. Credit active. Cultured.
$200K+ Income, Age: Pre-Retirement (55-64), Champagne Tastes - Executive Empty Nesters: O69
Highly-educated couples in the best suburbs. Enjoying their wealth. Very high income and discretionary spending. Financially sophisticated and active. Living well.
$200K+ Income, Age: Retired (65+), Flush Funds - Wealthy Urban Seniors: P70
Very well-off retirees in upscale city neighborhoods. Financially conservative savers. High income from well planned investments. Relatively low credit use. Enjoying retirement. Brands matter.
$200K+ Income, Age: Retired (65+), Diamonds and Pearls - Wealthiest Retirees: P71
Married seniors with high incomes. Best suburbs. Very high discretionary spenders, especially on travel. Very ample, diversified financial resources, professionally managed. Luxury retirement.
*Digital targeting segments from Equifax were not developed or intended to be taken into consideration as a factor in establishing or determining an individual’s eligibility for personal credit, insurance, or employment, or for any other purpose contemplated under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. Equifax targeting segments neither contain nor reveal any personally identifiable information.