FICO® and Equifax Answer Your Questions on BNPL
We had an overwhelming attendance and response at this month’s Market Pulse webinar on the rising financial service, Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL). During our February 10 Market Pulse webinar, our panel of experts discussed details pertaining to potential score changes with the inclusion of BNPL trades in reporting,as well as, the latest economic update, small business insights, and consumer credit trends.
This month’s presenters included Amy Frasher, Senior Director & FinTech Product Manager at Equifax; Suna Hafizogullari, Senior Director of Data Science at FICO®; Amy Crews Cutts, President and Chief Economist at AC Cutts & Associates; Sarah Briscoe, Lead Commercial Statistical Analyst at Equifax; and Bob Hofmann, Risk Solutions & Consulting SME at Equifax.
Presenters followed up with audience members’ questions* about consumer spending, inflation, delinquency trends, and more. Bob Hofmann, Amy Frasher, Sarah Briscoe, and Suna Hafizogullari answer the many critical questions below.
Watch a replay of our webinar, “Market Pulse: Buy Now, Pay Later Credit Score Impact Analysis” or download a copy of the presentation.
Buy Now, Pay Later
Are BNPL tradelines currently included in FICO®
scores when reported? Which score versions (5, 8, 9?)
Suna Hafizogullari: FICO® Score
considers BNPL accounts in the score calculation, provided that those
accounts are reported in the main consumer credit bureau file.
What frequency of payments do we expect to see for
the Buy Now, Pay Later product?
Amy Frasher: There are variances amongst different BNPL product types, but the typical pay-in-4 model starts with a 25% down payment at the time of purchase, with 3 additional biweekly payments spread over 6 weeks.
When you say “revolving has more impact on Buy Now,
Pay Later,” do you mean revolving BNPL trades are riskier than installment?
Suna Hafizogullari: No, this aspect of the FICO® score is not specific to BNPL tradelines. BNPL tradelines reported as revolving rather than installment may reserve a different impact (in either direction) on FICO® score.
From the initial presentation, if most of the BNPL
users are those that cannot get access to traditional credit
products, how do you explain an increase in FICO® 8 when BNPL
tradelines are included? I can understand positive score impact
for thin-file, but how do you explain the positive score impact
for Prime and super prime population?
Suna Hafizogullari: This can be
explained by the specific characteristics of the BNPL tradelines
included in this study: low utilization (17.5% on average), and
longer payment history (5.5 months on average) of on-time BNPL
payments added to the credit profile.
Do BNPL lenders/providers have to report to the CRAs?
Amy Frasher: No, there is no
requirement that requires any lender (BNPL or otherwise) to report
to a CRA.
How many transactions are you estimating will be
reported to Equifax in the BNPL category at launch?
Amy Frasher: Tradeline volume is
expected to slowly ramp-up. With our
new policy and industry code, we are encouraging more qualified
BNPL providers to report consistently, giving Equifax customers and
scoring partners the ability to view and decide how to incorporate the
information into their decisioning to potentially open up new
mainstream financial services opportunities to more consumers.
Is the impact similar to other trade lines - such
as a credit card?
Suna Hafizogullari: BNPL accounts
reported as revolving could have a similar impact on FICO® as other
revolving credit products such as credit cards, especially if the
two products had similar credit lines and amounts outstanding
Are there regulatory policies or guidelines for
businesses to adhere to for BNPL? Are the demographics and
geographic location data of BNPL users known?
Amy Frasher: In the U.S., BNPL
remains largely unregulated as BNPL products typically fall
outside of regulations for more traditional longer-term credit
products that are regulated by the Truth in Lending Act.
How come terms are 4 months if this study
is based on Pay-in-4 which is around 1.5 months?
Bob Hofmann: The actual BNPL trades
included in the analysis are reported as Line of Credit (LOC) which
means that the term of the LOC can be longer than the term of the
underlying pay-in-4 transactions against that LOC. e.g. the consumer
may be given a $1,000 LOC that they can use over the next four
months. Over that four months they can do multiple pay-in-4
transactions against that $1,000 line.
Any impact on Beacon 5.0 score?
Suna Hafizogullari: To the extent
that BNPL accounts are reported in the main consumer credit bureau
file, they will be factored into all versions of the FICO® Score,
including FICO® Score 5 (fka Beacon 5.0).
What does Low Utilization in BNPL mean?
Bob Hofmann: It means that the
percent of the overall credit line being used is very low. For
example, if I have a $100 credit line and I have only used $25
of that $100 to make a purchase, my utilization is 25%. As I pay
down that $25, the credit line remains at $100, but my balance
decreases which means my utilization gets even lower over time.
Does the analysis include the impact of the
inquiries related to BNPL applications?
Bob Hofmann: The majority of
inquiries for the short-term and small-dollar BNPL transactions
are treated as soft inquiries so they do not impact the consumer's score.
Is it fair to assume that for FICO® > 720,
inclusion of BNPL trades probably will have minimal impact if the
customers pay on time? And, is it that right now there is a
selection bias in terms of customer profile using BNPL?
Suna Hafizogullari: Yes, this study found that segments in the higher score ranges experienced more muted impact from the inclusion of these positive (low utilization, on-time payments, longer history) BNPL accounts in the credit profile.
Could the positive effect of including BNPL on
FICO® score be due to the unusual good performance of loans during
covid? Do you not think the picture could change as consumer loans
performance deteriorates?
Suna Hafizogullari: Inclusion of
BNPL tradelines with on-time payment data and/or low utilization
likely to have a positive impact. If the BNPL tradelines reported
in the credit file were to reflect missed payments and/or higher
utilization and debt levels, that would certainly alter the
resulting impact on FICO® score.
Any views on what has impacted construction
Sarah Briscoe: There have been
reports that cash flow and payment reliability are issues for
Construction businesses, as well as simple supply chain issues,
lumber shortages, and price increases. Lending has increased,
indicating growth but also that loans might be needed to cover
costs/cash flow problems. Increased lending typically also
corresponds to increases in delinquency, and Construction has seen
the highest lending growth of any industry. Levels still remain
historically low for the industry, however.
Watch the February
Market Pulse webinar for more on consumer spending trends or
download our PowerPoint
Want to learn more about Buy Now, Pay Later? Read our other articles on the topic:
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